I left my heart in san francisco
I am one of the lucky ones. I recently returned from a lovely visit to San Francisco. After weeks and weeks of non-stop torrential rain, the clouds parted the afternoon my plane touched down in Oakland, and I got to enjoy four days of gorgeous sun and views.
The visit was hectic as usual, but each time I go back I get better at prioritizing friend visits and activities. For example, one of my friends kindly hosted a Monday night dinner party for 14 that allowed me to see many people at once. I felt grateful that so many people came out for my viewing.
I got asked many times if I had any plans to move back. It is tempting, I must admit. I miss my friends, the weather (of course), and the general joie de vivre of San Francisco living.
I also miss being "in the know" about a city. Even though I grew up in Massachusetts, and I've now lived in Cambridge for over two years, I still feel so much more at home in San Francisco. I know the local politics better, I know where to find a good tailor, I have favorite pizza and coffee joints, the knitting store owner still remembers me, and almost every corner holds some sort of memory. I grew up in San Francisco--it's where I turned into an adult.
Although I seriously doubt I ever will move back to San Francisco, not only do I consider myself lucky to have returned from a sun and fun filled few days there, I also consider myself lucky to have lived there for so long. I sometimes wonder if I would be in a different place if I had not (Would I be married with kids, or have a more substantial career?), but at the same time, I wouldn't trade most of it for the world. San Francisco put a lot of effort and energy into making me who I am today, and I thank her for it.
It really takes time to get to know a city well, doesn't it? You are right, it is an honor to have been able to call a beautiful place like that home, even if it doesn't remain home in the long run. You still will always have a special claim to it. Glad the sun came out for your visit!
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