Friday, July 14, 2006

Dinner for Seven

I enjoyed the company of six very different, but very interesting women last night. All former co-workers, they ranged in age, life trajectories, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and politics. Even though we are all quite different, and at different stages in life, we still all get along quite well.

I arrived at dinner expecting a simple and nice meal, but I was pleasantly surprised by both the range and depth of food and conversation. It all converged to create quite a mix. Conversations topics ranged from one participant's recent breast cancer to another's very recent motherhood. In between we discussed the state of U.S. Education, reality television, gay rights, and our favorite local restaurants. Mojitos, a lovely cheese souffle, colorful salads, corn, and a Rosie's birthday cake completed the mix.

This evening reminded me how important woman friends are (not that I needed much reminding), and how helpful it is to get other people's perspectives and advice, especially from those with different life experiences. I've been thinking a lot about community lately (how to create it, engage in life more, and what I want my life to look like), and last night solidified its importance for me. My community is here, I just need to make sure I continue to nurture and appreciate it.


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